Corning Fiber Optic Cables – Loose Tube – Armor Cables – Gel-Free – Drop Cable – Singlemode and Multimode Fiber Optic Cables


Corning Advanced Optics is a global leader in providing cutting-edge material and optical solutions that serve a variety of commercial markets including semiconductor manufacturing, microfabrication, consumer electronics, and more. We provide trusted capabilities to see a project through from design to testing.

Corning’s unmatched expertise in specialty glass and optical physics results in a diverse set of advanced optical products and components from industry-leading materials such as HPFS® and ULE® to full optical systems including automated laser glass-cutting and non-contact metrology instruments.

The Advanced Optics businesses include Corning Laser Technologies for laser processing machines, Optical Materials and Technologies for manufacturing materials and full optical systems, Precision Glass Solutions for glass wafers enabling mobile consumer electronics, and Specialty Glass and Glass Ceramics for applications including medical X-ray shielding.

Advanced Optics

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