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    Dillon Dynamometers-Crane

    Dynamometers-Dynamometer-Tensiometers- Mechanical Force Gauges-Crane Scales--------- Load Cells- Force Units Converters- Crane Overload Switchesits Converters-Mechanical Force Gauges-Indicators

    ATEK Communications now carries dynomometers, tensiometers, mechanical force gauges, crane scales, load cells, force units converters, crane overload switches, and the complete dynamometer product line from Dillon. For years Dillon has lead the way with dynamometer technology with their innovations by creating a line that is tough, reliable, and most importantly safe for you- the end user.

    Dillon Products

    ATEK Communications now carries dynomometers, tensiometers, mechanical force gauges, crane scales, load cells, force units converters, crane overload switches, and the complete dynamometer product line from Dillon. For years Dillon has lead the way with dynamometer technology with their innovations by creating a line that is tough, reliable, and most importantly safe for you- the end user.
    Dillon has gone out into the field to discover what worker want in a quality weighing product. With that in mind they are proud to announce the two newest additions the EDXtreme and the EDJunior Dynamometer. Offering very strong features, these dynamometers come from a strong family linage.

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