ATS Carries the CXR, AJ CSU/DSU products including all the CSU/DSU's that are located in central offices around the world. If you need an Anderson Jacobsen CSU/DSU quote- call us on our toll free number today at (866) 650-DATA.


The CV-2000 Series offers a functional range of T1/FT1 and E1/FE1 DSU/CSUs for a variety of networking applications. These units are available as desktop units or as rack-mountable cards to be inserted in one of our Universal chassis. For more information about our rack and our management system see Rack Systems and /or Management Systems.

The T1/E1 models share the following characteristics:

  • T1/FT1 or E1/FE1
  • Nx56/64K
  • Non-Contiguous DS0s
  • 10Base-T Ethernet interface
  • V.35 interface
  • X.21 interface
  • VT 100, AT command or menu.
  • V.54 Diagnostics

High speed models are configurable through a Command Port interface via menu prompts or AT commands and/or through SNMP commands on rack mount models. Remote configuration is also available. For rack mount versions see section on Management System.

The AJ 6453 Variable Rate Digital Service Unit (DSU) provides an advanced, state of the art, digital solution for your network. The 6453 is designed to grow with any DDS network application, fixed rate or variable rate, operating in either synchronous or asynchronous mode, while providing point-to-point or multi-point environments. This is the ideal unit for telemetry monitoring equipment to be connected back to a central site.

Features include:

  • Synchronous or Asychronous Operation
  • Point-to-Point or Multi-Point Operation
  • Limited Distance Modem Support
  • Advanced Local & Remote Diagnostics
  • 12 LED Indicators
  • Rackmount or Standalone
  • V.35 & RS-232 Support

The AJ 5653 addresses your needs for the most widely used Switched-56 dial services. It's simple, fast and reliable. Simple configuration settings via standard AT commands or hardware switches. Fast? - Twice the speed of other manufacturers. Data rates of up to 115.2K bps in asynchronous mode, saves you both time and money. Reliable? - Built to the same demanding standards that AJ established for over 30 years and that customers have grown to appreciate.

Features include:

  • Async DTE mode, speeds from 300 to 115.2K bps
  • V.42bis Error Correction & Data Compression
  • Multi-Level Security
  • Remote Configuration Control
  • AT (async) & V.25bis (sync) Dialer
  • RS-232 and V.35
  • 12 Status LED indicators
  • Built-in Diagnostics