FTTC-FTTX- FTTB- FTTC- FTTH-Fiber To The Home- Fiber To The Curb Technology Recent Developments American
Tech Supply offers Passive Optical Network Testing and Consulting Services.
Our fiber optic assemblies meet or exceed GR-326-CORE, Single-mode Optical Connector testing and GR-20-CORE, Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable specifications from Bellcore- Telecordia. ATS's carries fiber optic jumper assemblies inluding singlemode fiber optic jumpers, multimode fiber optic assmeblies, bulk fiber optic cable, fiber optic enclosures and fiber optic panels loaded with a variety of fiber optic adapters and a complete line of fiber optic test equipment. All our fiber optic equipment including fiber optic assemblies are manufactured from strict Telecordia guidelines. The communications industry is on the cusp of a revolution that will transform the landscape. This revolution is characterized by three fundamental drivers. First, deregulation has opened the local loop to competition, launching a whole new class of carriers that are spending billions to build out their networks and develop innovative new services. Second, the rapid decline in the cost of fiber optics and Ethernet equipment is beginning to make them an attractive option in the access network. Third, the Internet has spawned genuine demand for broadband services, leading to unprecedented growth in Internet protocol (IP) data traffic and putting pressure on carriers to upgrade their networks. These drivers are, in turn, promoting two new key market trends. First, deployment of fiber optics is extending from the backbone to the wide-area network (WAN) and the metropolitan-area network (MAN) and will soon penetrate into the local loop. Second, Ethernet is spreading from the local-area network (LAN) to the MAN and the WAN as the uncontested standard. The convergence of these factors is leading to a fundamental paradigm shift in the communications industry, a shift that will ultimately lead to widespread adoption of a new optical IP Ethernet architecture that combines the best of fiber optics and Ethernet technologies. This architecture is poised to become the dominant means of delivering bundled data, video, and voice services over a single platform. Our manufacturers include Corning, Fiberconn, Advanced Fiber, Commscope, Draka, ICC and more. We carry a complete line of Fiber Optic Jumpers, Adapters, Couplers, WDMs, DWDM's, Fiber Cables, Fiber Optic Patch Panels, Fiber Adapters, Singlemode & Multimode SC,ST,FC, LC, MTRJ Fiber Optic Jumpers, Fiber Optic Rack Mount Enclosures and Fiber Optic Enclosures Call Our Offices For Pricing and Ordering- Always Ask For Special Project Pricing!
Current Stock Of Fiber Optic Cable Assembly & Adapter Pricing Link "Don't Gamble With Quality- Buy American" To
meet the growing demand for quality fiber optic solutions, American Tech Supply
offers a wide range of reliable and affordable products. As we move towards the
future, our fiber manufacturer partners seek to solve problems in today's crowded
telecom room and work area by providing small form factor (SFF) solutions. Our
fiber work area outlet boxes fill the need for a smooth transition in bringing
fiber to the desktop. The addition of fiber optic MT-RJ products in 1999, followed
by the incorporation of LC products in 2001, shows our commitment to providing
complete quality fiber solutions for all your needs. Designed to save both time and money, our fiber optic solutions are versatile and competitively priced. From the telecom room to the work area, we provides dependable, cost-effective Fiber Optic Solutions. When challenged to find reliable Fiber Optic Solutions for your business or customer, turn to ATS, where quality is always affordable.
Call us if you have a networking or engineering question. Our engineers are on staff to provide you with the most cost effective solutions for all your optical needs. |