State Vaults – Electrical Pull Boxes – Underground Enclosures – Underground Vaults and Vault Supplier Locations

Underground handholes or enclosures are used in all fiber optic networks that use GPON networks for FTTH or Fiber To The Home Deployments that are private or federal funded. Underground handholes are used to link fiber optic cables or power, communications cables placed inside innerduct conduit. The standard is to place an underground OSP polymer concrete handhole or underground enclosure every 500- 1000 feet. Inside the handholes you will find fiber splice cases , the innerduct and slack loop that is excess fiber optic cable or other power or communications cable. This excess cable is to normally used as expansion ot to use if a cable is damaged between the handholes.

The size of the underground handhole depends on several issues that range from current requirements to future proofing the fiber network. Typically you have one or more (HDPE) innerducts ranging in size from ¾ inch to 4 inches that are placed between handholes every 500- 1000 feet. The underground handholes range in many sizes and load or traffic ratings listed below. Inside the handhole you will find innerduct that is placed at each. In campus or enterprise environments these handholes can be more numerous in density that long linear fiber cable runs. Handholes are underground handholes that provide access to fiber optic cable and other utilities for splicing & repairs. They are often called pull boxes, splice boxes, underground enclosures or handholes.

American Data provides our valued customers many different sizes depending on the network topology or design.

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