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Ultra Green Power Systems

Nation's Largest Privately Owned Bank Runs On SurePower System

After enduring power outages that adversely impacted its service to its largest corporate customers, the First National Bank of Omaha, the nation's largest privately owned bank and seventh largest credit card transaction processor, installed a SurePower system as the primary critical power source for its new 200,000-square foot Technology Center.

The system in Omaha generates 100 percent of the "critical load" electricity for the bank's computers and storage devices, which are used to process millions of credit card and banking transactions every day. The system has been running without interruption for more than two years and has provided electricity through numerous grid outages and other utility problems.

"The reliability of the 'six 9s' computer grade electricity that SurePower delivers isn't a luxury for us at First National Bank of Omaha, it's a critical difference over existing power arrangements that will substantially increase our computer uptime," —

says Dennis C. Hughes, Director of Property Management for First National Buildings, Inc.

"The result is a tremendous leap in our competitive advantage. With SurePower, First National can raise our customer's service expectations while generating higher revenues."

About SurePower Corporation

SurePower Corporation, a privately-held company located in Danbury, Conn., delivers computer-grade electricity at "six 9s" availability, matching the highest availability levels required for mainframe computers and high-end servers. Its distributed generation systems are at the forefront of the onsite power industry. Spencer Trask, a New York City venture capital firm, owns a stake in the company. With SurePower's High Availability Power Systems, users realize substantially increased uptime, allowing for higher revenues and fewer unexpected losses.

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