SBS wet cell batteries are available in a variety of designs & engineering technologies for high-rate, intermediate & long duration discharge profiles suited for Utility substation (recloser), Uninterruptible Power Systems & Telecommunications environments. SBS designs its flooded product for a 25 year life with a 20 year pro-rated warranty. SBS wet cells can provide an extremely high power density per any given footprint. We produce a standard 2v single cell jar that allows for replacement & maintenance without disabling the dc bus. We also have 6v-3 cell & 12v-6cell monoblocks designed especially for those applications that require the longevity & performance of flooded technology but need the absolute smallest footprint such as Utility & Process control systems. SBS batteries are offered in many intermediate capacity sizes so that you "right-size" your battery system & reduce costs.
SBS “STT” series batteries are 20-25 year stationary batteries and were developed for utility, telecom and general purpose applications. They are distinguished by their economical design, lead selenium tubular plate design, and their high tolerance to cycling. The STT’s tubular lead selenium cells provide the best possible compromise in lead acid plate technology. By utilizing a proportion of selenium in the grid alloy, a dense fine grain structure is produced. This alloy is extremely corrosion-resistant and virtually eliminates inter-granular corrosion - one of the most common causes of cell failure. A lead selenium cell, therefore, combines the advantages of both lead calcium and lead antimony cells while exhibiting none of the disadvantages. The STT "Monobloc" is available in 3 cell jars from 220 to 330 A/hr and in 6 cell jars from 55 to 165 A/hr. This particular design lends itself especially well to 120vdc utility control applications where the performance and longevity of wet cell battery are required but space and cost are prime considerations.
SBS “STT” series batteries are 20-25 year stationary batteries and were developed for utility, telecom and general purpose applications. They are distinguished by their economical design, lead selenium tubular plate design, and their high tolerance to cycling. The STT’s tubular lead selenium cells provide the best possible compromise in lead acid plate technology. By utilizing a proportion of selenium in the grid alloy, a dense fine grain structure is produced. This alloy is extremely corrosion-resistant and virtually eliminates inter-granular corrosion - one of the most common causes of cell failure. A lead selenium cell, therefore, combines the advantages of both lead calcium and lead antimony cells while exhibiting none of the disadvantages.
Specially designed for high rate UPS applications, the OSP performs exceptionally well in an uninterruptible power system. Thin flat plates are ideal for high rate short duration applications & provide superior watts per/cell per/footprint density. Extremely robust strapping & automated soldering procedures harden this battery's ability to tolerate the severe stress caused by the sudden large current draw of critcial data power systems. The OSP has a 20 year warranty with a 25 year design life. The OSP Series was the first to be introduced with the SBS HazardSafe™ intercell connectors that present "Zero Hazardous Voltage" to personnel in proximity to the jars. The 100% copper flexible conductors are completely rubber insulated with protective flip-open covers for maintenance & testing. Capacities range from 150 A/hr to 4000 A/hr.
SBS “SR” series batteries are long-life, stationary batteries suitable for short discharge at high current and high capacity discharge over longer periods. They are used as backup power supplies in power stations, nuclear power stations, substations, UPS, industrial equipment, and engine starting applications. The SR’s lead selenium cells represent the best possible compromise in lead acid pasted plate technology. The two most popular alloys used in current pasted plate cells utilize either antimony or calcium as a hardening agent in lead alloys. Both of these additives produce desirable and undesirable effects on the performance and overall life of a battery. However, by utilizing a proportion of selenium in the grid alloy, a dense fine grain structure is produced. This alloy is extremely corrosion resistant and virtually eliminates inter-granular corrosion - one of the most common causes of cell failure. A lead selenium cell, therefore, combines the advantages of both lead calcium and lead antimony cells while exhibiting none of the disadvantages. The SR "Monoblocs" are available in 3 cell configurations from 200 to 250 A/hr and in 6 cell jars from 35 to 150 A/hr.
Battery Cabinets, Enclosures, Containment & Racks
SBS offers seismic and standard battery racks for VRLA, flooded & Ni-Cad battery systems. We also offer spill containment systems consisting of interlocking HDPE pans and acid absorbing/neutralizing pillows as well as the traditional barrier/berm & liner/berm confihgurations.