OSP Long-haul & Distribution Networks
The Plumett Pneumatic SuperJet offers the versatility of the Hydraulic SuperJet without the need for hydraulic support
power equipment making it the most portable large cable placing system in today’s market. The air compressor supplies
the air energy in the duct for the Jetted cable and also supplies the energy required to drive the twin caterpillar tracks via
two pneumatic motors. Pneumatic SuperJet easily installs cables from 9mm-22mm/.35”-.87” in diameter as well as bundles
of microducts with the installation of the optional Bundle Jetting Kit. Lightweight, portable and extremely fast is what our
user’s say about this versatile system.
Pneumatic SuperJet Standard Equipment Features:
Sturdy & lightweight aluminum carry cases
Accessory Kit with Standard Tools
Digital Footage Counter (included)
Choice of (5) Cable & (4) Duct Insert Sets (included)
CableJet Lube & Spreader Samples
Pneumatic SuperJet Optional Equipment Available:
- AC-10 Air Cooler (optional)
- Lubricator L18 (optional)