VOIP Test Equipment

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Atek Communications Is Your One Source For All Your VOIP Test Equipment Needs

ATS carries the a complete line of test equipment from manufacturers such as Nettest, Noyes, Anritsu, Ideal, Alcoa- which include AFL Telecommunications fusion splicers VOIP Testers, IP Testers, VOIP Tester, VOIP Test Equipment, Wireless Test Equipment,GSM, GPRS/EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, SS7 test equipment, IP networks test equipment. Next Gen Network Equipment Manufacturers (NEMs) and Service Providers (SPs) that are testing VoIP devices for network deployment find it difficult to generate sufficient 'real' traffic to ensure proper operation. Developing and managing VoIP deployments is hard.  Whether you are planning a deployment, assessing if you are ready to deploy, rolling out new equipment and applications, or troubleshooting VoIP issues, you need the best tools to handle the job.

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It can be costly to scale VoIP test equipment using traditional PSTN. VoIP test equipment can not provide the real-world traffic volume and metrics needed to ensure proper performance. provides the ability to generate and/or terminate thousands of calls with real RTP media, at a tenth of the cost of a PSTN test solution. It also has the ability to measure individual streams, providing you with a level of detail that most load test equipment cannot provide. In addition, the Nettest VOIP Tester offers unique capabilities for the testing of VoIP networks and gateways. It enables gateway isolation during the IP > TDM testing of VoIP systems for voice quality. Traditional test methods require a TDM > TDM voice quality test scenario which precludes the isolation of VoIP components in a sub optimum network implementation. This is increasingly important as the products mature and multi-vendor networks are deployed.

InterQuest Analyzer Network & Service Performance

Nettest VoIP Test Solution for Enterprises focuses on infrastructure and application level testing and troubleshooting.  Typical applications include:

  • Determining how much VoIP traffic your network can handle without degrading voice quality
  • Finding configuration errors in your network and VoIP equipment
  • Detecting and troubleshooting interoperability issues
  • Trapping and troubleshooting difficult and intermittent problems impacting application functionality and voice quality
  • Ensuring IP telephony applications, (e.g., Messaging, IVR, Conferencing, CTI, etc.) roll out with high quality and availability
  • Tune speech applications for best performance with VOIP

Analysis for GSM, GPRS/EDGE, UMTS, CDMA and VoIP Network- UMTS solutions from NetTest- Click Here

VOIP Tester-and emerging services across GSM,GPRS/EDGE, UMTS,CDMA, SS7 & IP networks.

The InterQuest Analyzer is NetTest's advanced network and service performance analyzer for mobile operators and vendors enabling them to quickly provision, troubleshoot and optimize existing and emerging services across GSM, GPRS/EDGE, UMTS, CDMA, SS7 and IP networks.

InterQuest Analyzer is designed to make technology simple through a powerful top-down test methodology that allows you to enhance test and workflow procedures with a customer-centric view globally in the organization. This facilitates troubleshooting and optimization of even the most complex networks, makes more efficient use of network experts, and increases the overall productivity within the organization.

InterQuest Analyzer is also part of NetTest's comprehensive suite of UMTS monitoring, troubleshooting and optimization solutions. This allows you to scale your monitoring and test solution from a single location to an entire network, easily and efficiently.

Benefits at a glance

  • Optimize your network for increased customer satisfaction
  • - Fast provisioning of new services across GSM, GPRS/EDGE, UMTS, SS7, and IP networks

    -Decrease network and service downtime

    - Efficient maintenance and optimization of existing services

  • - Futureproof design  

  • Top-down test methodology increases operational efficiency
  • - Simplify technical complexity

  • - Better workflow, lower operational expenses

  • - Applications for service testing, network monitoring and data capture  

  • Lower your cost of network ownership by reducing the “hidden” costs 
    - Make more efficient use of skilled personnel
    - Minimize maintenance of test equipment
    - Reduce investments in redundant test platforms
    - Uninterrupted learning curve minimizes the need for special training for each new test platform
    - Limit travel time and expenses
    - Scales across technologies, services, and network size, eliminating the need to invest in a new instrumentation solution when turning up new
       technology or services in your network

Protect your network from fraudulent behaviour


MasterQuest Fraud Detection help operators to protect the network from fraudulent activity in order to reduce revenue leakage. Our Fraud Detection solution identifies suspected fraudulent subscribers on both completed and ongoing calls whereby it is possible to catch a fraudulent call while it is still ongoing.


Our solution detects all long calls enabling the operator to monitor potential fraudulent subscribers without knowing the identity of the subscribers. On the contrary surveillance and alarm generation can be detected on pre-define telephone numbers, enabling the operator to monitor fraudulent behaviour of selected subscribers.


This solution is based on call information recorded by the monitoring probes combined with subscriber and threshold information defined by the operator.

Examples of alarms that can be generated with this solution include:

  • A call is made from a subscriber on a black list
  • Duration of a call made by a subscriber on a grey list exceeds a pre-defined threshold.
  • The number of calls made by a subscriber on a grey list exceeds the pre-defined threshold in a given period of time.
  • A call made by any subscriber to any other subscriber in the network exceeds the defined threshold.

All calls which cause the generation of an alarm are stored on a MasterQuest Fraud Call List where they can be accessed and studied in the future.


MasterQuest Fraud Detection at a glance:

•          Real-time monitoring of suspected fraudulent behaviour

•          Stop long calls in progress

•          Real-time data export to third party systems

•          Flexible data source for all network elements



Monitor your interconnect partners' network performance


Operators are today looking to see how they can increase ARPU - Average Revenue Per User - by introducing new services. One area where they still enjoy very high margins is roaming. Roaming is commercially valuable to network operators at both ends of the roaming relationship.


Ensure the roaming revenue with MasterQuest Interconnect Mangement by fast resolution of roaming problems for users roaming in and out of your network.


MasterQuest Interconnect Management solution gives you the overview of your interconnect partners network performance and enables you to compare them and evaluate whether you are working with the right interconnect partners.


Short and long term statistics allow the operator to continuously monitor the availability of interconnect with other operators and Service Level Agreements to ensure that the promissed quality is delivered.


MasterQuest Interconnect Management at a glance

  • Easy overview of roaming cash cow; inbound/outbound
  • Are you working with the right roaming partners?
  • Monitoring of your partners’ performance – SLA validation!
  • Easy monitoring of the network call performance
  • Avoid congestion - distribute the network load
  • Full drill-down from overview level to detail level
MTS solutions from NetTest -
Make your next-generation mobile network more profitable

Get solid answers to tough networking questions

It's a fact, the mobile operators who can deliver high quality UMTS services and roll out them out quickly are going to win the race for 3G market share. But maximizing Quality of Service is tough due to the technological complexity of UMTS. And without state-of-the-art monitoring and testing solutions, no operator can hope to remain competitive. Here's how we can help.

Four ways to increase your profitability

NetTest can help you:


Full overview of Quality of Service delivered by your network


Our network performance monitoring solutions include network wide, real-time and historical data capture to support trend analysis, route optimisation and service quality measurements.


Proactive recognition of problem trends and tight integration with powerful troubleshooting applications ensure efficient analysis to determine the cause and impact of problems. Since MasterQuest maintains historic data of network problems and performance, customer care personnel can respond fast to customer complaints and inquiries without the need to reproduce errors.


Powerful Key Performance Indicators are presented in easy to overview dashboards in the MasterQuest portal, which is the dynamic and intuitive user interface on the system.


Our network performance monitoring applications meet the needs of both operations and maintenance personnel for flexible configuration of new reports and statistics, as well as planning departments looking at network utilization and reconfiguration and expansion requirements.


MasterQuest Network Performance Monitoring at a glance:

•          Obtain full overview of Quality of Service delivered by your network

•          Easy to find out how you networks performs

•          Real-time alarming on congestion, low availability etc.

•          Flexible and customer specific reports


End-to-end information of your customers’ network access and service usage patterns.


Monitoring service performance is becoming an increasingly important process for mobile service providers in a time where the number of services are increasing.

MasterQuest can be extended from troubleshooting staff to other Operations departments and Marketing. With data warehouse integration across multiple KPI applications users become empowered with end-to-end information and understanding of the customers’ network access patterns and their service usage patterns.

All information about user activities is stored in a database on which reports may display user og aggregated results using different viewing angles. The report tool is very flexible and may be used by the end user to make new reports in an easy manner if it is so desired.

MasterQuest Service Performance offers you a SMS Welcome application to attract new customers or additional traffic by promoting your network, your services or your rates (inbound) or provide existing customers with a good service by giving offers on rates abroad via partners (outbound)


The application provides a profiling of the roamers, thus ensuring that the roamers receive only the relevant number of SMSs.



Efficient analysis tools for network and service fault detection and resolution


MasterQuest provides powerful technical troubleshooting tools to analyze and determine the cause and impact of problems.


MasterQuest troubleshooting captures end-to-end real time and historical data and provides efficient analysis tools for network and service fault detection and resolution. For more detailed analysis, MasterQuest integrates hot spot tools.


Network-wide troubleshooting tools helps you launch new services faster as trial and deployment time can be reduced. The Protocol Analysis application enables the Operation & Maintenance departments to troubleshoot deep into the signaling of the network. Call Trace is an efficient fault-finding application, which help you detect where in the network customer call and service sessions are interupted. You will achieve efficient utilisation of the expert’s time with data always available.


The troubleshooting tools has the ability to perform drill-down troubleshooting whereby the non-technical staff with no network knowledge, in for instance marketing departments or support functions, easily can find the information needed.


MasterQuest Troubleshooting at a glance:

  • Fast and easy access to network wide data
  • Efficient utilisation of experts
  • Easy drill-down from overview level to detail level
  • Extensive context-sensitive help function
  • Easy-to-use Call Trace; no network knowledge required
Four ways to increase your profitability

Keep an eye on your network's performance
The increased complexity of 3G networks complicates the tracking of your network and service performance. Yet this is more vital than ever, as poor performance results in slow service take-up and customer churn.

NetTest's monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you simplify this process by keeping an eye on the information flow across technologies and protocols in a multi-vendor environment. We give you the answers faster, allowing you to preventively maintain your network and optimize the use of your infrastructure.

Pinpoint problems before they become expensive

As network and service performance problems escalate, so does the expenditure. To maintain a sound, solid and competitive business it is crucial to reduce revenue leakage from network downtime and churn due to unstable network and service quality. The NetTest suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS gives you the ability to identify potential problems before they affect your service quality.

Our solutions help you focus on the core of your business: to sustain customer acquisition through an attractive and wider range of service offerings and faster rollout of new services while delivering them with quality and reliability. Only so you can maintain customers and increase revenues.

At NetTest, we understand the importance of being at the forefront. Our monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you identify the need for new or expanded services, and give you the ability to faster ramp up from trial to full-scale implementation with minimum cost.

With 3G, your focus is on establishing internal know-how around this new technology. As your partner, we understand your need to quickly turn up a new network and roll out new, advanced services at an increased speed. We also understand your need to deploy new test solutions with minimum of efforts to meet these objectives.

Our new suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS networks addresses these needs by building on your existing skills. We ensure continuity in your learning curve from other well-known NetTest solutions for mobile networks.

Four ways to increase your profitability

Keep an eye on your network's performance
The increased complexity of 3G networks complicates the tracking of your network and service performance. Yet this is more vital than ever, as poor performance results in slow service take-up and customer churn.

NetTest's monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you simplify this process by keeping an eye on the information flow across technologies and protocols in a multi-vendor environment. We give you the answers faster, allowing you to preventively maintain your network and optimize the use of your infrastructure.

Pinpoint problems before they become expensive

As network and service performance problems escalate, so does the expenditure. To maintain a sound, solid and competitive business it is crucial to reduce revenue leakage from network downtime and churn due to unstable network and service quality. The NetTest suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS gives you the ability to identify potential problems before they affect your service quality.

Our solutions help you focus on the core of your business: to sustain customer acquisition through an attractive and wider range of service offerings and faster rollout of new services while delivering them with quality and reliability. Only so you can maintain customers and increase revenues.

At NetTest, we understand the importance of being at the forefront. Our monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you identify the need for new or expanded services, and give you the ability to faster ramp up from trial to full-scale implementation with minimum cost.

With 3G, your focus is on establishing internal know-how around this new technology. As your partner, we understand your need to quickly turn up a new network and roll out new, advanced services at an increased speed. We also understand your need to deploy new test solutions with minimum of efforts to meet these objectives.

Our new suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS networks addresses these needs by building on your existing skills. We ensure continuity in your learning curve from other well-known NetTest solutions for mobile networks.

Four ways to increase your profitability

Keep an eye on your network's performance
The increased complexity of 3G networks complicates the tracking of your network and service performance. Yet this is more vital than ever, as poor performance results in slow service take-up and customer churn.

NetTest's monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you simplify this process by keeping an eye on the information flow across technologies and protocols in a multi-vendor environment. We give you the answers faster, allowing you to preventively maintain your network and optimize the use of your infrastructure.

Pinpoint problems before they become expensive

As network and service performance problems escalate, so does the expenditure. To maintain a sound, solid and competitive business it is crucial to reduce revenue leakage from network downtime and churn due to unstable network and service quality. The NetTest suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS gives you the ability to identify potential problems before they affect your service quality.

Our solutions help you focus on the core of your business: to sustain customer acquisition through an attractive and wider range of service offerings and faster rollout of new services while delivering them with quality and reliability. Only so you can maintain customers and increase revenues.

At NetTest, we understand the importance of being at the forefront. Our monitoring and testing solutions for UMTS help you identify the need for new or expanded services, and give you the ability to faster ramp up from trial to full-scale implementation with minimum cost.

With 3G, your focus is on establishing internal know-how around this new technology. As your partner, we understand your need to quickly turn up a new network and roll out new, advanced services at an increased speed. We also understand your need to deploy new test solutions with minimum of efforts to meet these objectives.

Our new suite of monitoring and testing products for UMTS networks addresses these needs by building on your existing skills. We ensure continuity in your learning curve from other well-known NetTest solutions for mobile network



Nettest Test Equipment- VOIP TEST Equipment study by Frost and Sullivan

QoS Issues Present Both a Challenge and an Opportunity to Test Equipment VendorsWhile voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) seems to be the future of voice services, many factors could retard its adoption worldwide. Foremost among them is the quality of service (QoS). VoIP installation involves substantial investment and any perceived QoS issues would discourage end users. However, addressing this challenge effectively can boost VoIP adoption by both enterprises and telecommunication service providers. This, in turn, would mean a higher demand for test solutions that offer QoS assurance of VoIP networks.This Frost & Sullivan research analyzes the global market for VoIP test equipment. The study divides the market into research and development (R&D), manufacturing, and installation, maintenance, and monitoring (I&M) test equipment. It provides valuable analysis of market drivers and restraints, along with forecasts for end-user segments such as service providers and carriers, network equipment manufacturers, and private enterprises.Increasing Deployment by Private Enterprises Spurs Demand for Network Monitoring and Maintenance"Private enterprises worldwide are looking at avenues to cut costs, and VoIP offers a great solution for enterprises, particularly for global corporations, to achieve significant cost benefits," says the analyst of the research service. "With VoIP, enterprises do not have to pay the termination charges and can cut down on short distance call rates."As deployment increases, enterprises are likely to require better monitoring and maintenance test solutions that offer uninterrupted, consistent voice quality, justifying their investment in VoIP. These factors support the need for corresponding test solutions and ensure higher revenues from the enterprise segment.Stronger R&D Efforts and Increasing Complexity of VoIP Networks to Further Intensify Demand for Test EquipmentVoIP networks are complex in nature and deploying VoIP in existing networks requires end users to spruce up their networks to accommodate voice along with data. This process often throws up issues of interoperability and conflicting protocols, highlighting the need for test equipment in the pre-deployment stage for conformance and interoperability testing as well as for subsequent management and monitoring of networks.

"Still in the evaluation phase with many end users, VoIP networks are being simulated in labs to gauge the effect of traffic (bulk calls and stress testing) and to test equipment for conformance and interoperability," notes the analyst. "Such R&D activities are expected to intensify in the face of increasing deployments, encouraging the sales of newer R&D and pre-deployment manufacturing test equipment worldwide."

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