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Fiber To The Home Today's Needs

FTTH- FTTC- Fiber To The Home- Fiber To The Curb

Today's Needs-Meeting Today's Needs and Anticipating the Future

Fiber to the Hone or FTTH - enables service providers to offer a variety of communications and entertainment services, including carrier-class telephony, high-speed Internet access, broadcast cable television, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) television, and interactive, two-way video-based services. All of these services are provided over a passive optical distribution network via a single optical fiber to the home. In addition, an FTTH solution based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), or a FTTH-based architecture, allows for additional flexibility and adaptability to support future services.

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The full-service access network (FSAN) initiative, whose objective is to obtain cost-effective solutions to accelerate the introduction of broadband services into the public network, is also testing asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)-passive optical network (PON) technology for FTTH, which transports network services in ATM cells on a PON. This mode of transport provides key service features, such as multiple quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees, which enables the successful transmission of integrated voice, video, and data services by prioritizing traffic. It also permits statistical multiplexing for bursty traffic, such as Internet access and data transfers.

Fiber-based networks in general evolved in response to consumer demand for a vast assortment of multimedia services and applications. In order to meet this demand, service providers need a robust, broadband networking solution such as fiber technology, which offers unlimited bandwidth and the flexibility to meet customer demand for two-way, interactive, video-based services.

Today it seems that everyone wants high-speed data, dependable voice service, and high-quality video. Whether these services are delivered by digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modems, or wireless architectures is insignificant as long as the service is fast and dependable.

Providing these services, however, presents a number of challenges, including how to get lines out to each customer and how to future-proof the architecture put into the ground today. This tutorial will address one possible solution, which is a fiber-optics architecture called FTTH. There are other terms being used by the telecommunications community such as FTTC or "fiber to the curb" -but the term FTTH has overtaken most others as the "final solution" to delivering high speed communicatgions seamlessly over one medium- fiber optics.

Fiber to the home (FTTH) is the ideal fiber-optics architecture. In this architecture, fiber deployment is carried all the way to the customer's home (premises). Fiber Optic service to the home is the fastest, most reliable and secure method and far surpasses anything that Broadband or "wireless" could ever even dream of. Many people never know that today's vast cellular and wireless network runs and "communicates"via a fiber optic backbone. This is the only way such vast amounts of data can be transported from caller to caller -quickly and securely.

Definition and Overview
1 Introduction
2 Evolution of FTTH
3 Meeting Today's Needs and Anticipating the Future
4 How FTTH Works
5 The Advantages of FTTH
6 Level of Penetration and Acceptance in the Market
7 The Future of FTTH
8 FTTH Suppliers