There are several advantages associated with Fiber
To The Home -FTTH, including the following:
- It
is a passive network, so there are no active components from the CO- or central
office to the end user. This dramatically minimizes the network maintenance cost
and requirements, as well as eliminating the need for a DC power network.
- It is a single fiber to the end user,
providing revenue-generating services with industry standard user interfaces,
including voice, high-speed data, analog or digital CATV, DBS, and video on demand.
- FTTH features local battery
backup and low-power consumption.
can be used with bundled service and is reliable, scalable, and secure.
- The FTTH network is a future-proof architecture.
Fiber-based networks in general
evolved in response to consumer demand for a vast assortment of multimedia services
and applications. In order to meet this demand, service providers need a robust,
broadband networking solution such as fiber technology, which offers unlimited
bandwidth and the flexibility to meet customer demand for two-way, interactive,
video-based services.
Today it seems that everyone
wants high-speed data, dependable voice service, and high-quality video. Whether
these services are delivered by digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modems, or
wireless architectures is insignificant as long as the service is fast and- dependable.

these services, however, presents a number of challenges, including how to get
lines out to each customer and how to future-proof the architecture put into the
ground today. This tutorial will address one possible solution, which is a fiber-optics
architecture called FTTH or Fiber To The Home. There are other terms being used
by the telecommunications community such as FTTC or "fiber to the The term
FTTH has overtaken most others as the "final solution" to delivering
high speed communicatgions seamlessly over one medium- fiber optics.
to the home (FTTH) is the ideal fiber-optics architecture. In this architecture,
fiber deployment is carried all the way to the customer's home (premises). Fiber
Optic service to the home is the fastest, most reliable and secure method and
far surpasses anything that Broadband or "wireless" could ever even
dream of. Many people never know that today's vast cellular and wireless network
runs and "communicates"via a fiber optic backbone. This is the only
way such vast amounts of data can be transported from caller to caller -quickly
and securely.
and Overview
1 Introduction
Evolution of FTTH
3 Meeting Today's
Needs and Anticipating the Future
How FTTH Works
5 The Advantages
6 Level of Penetration
and Acceptance in the Market
7 The
Future of FTTH
FTTH Suppliers
New News:FCC Gives Go-Ahead to Incumbents on Deep Fiber Buildouts
FCC took action to relieve incumbent local telephone companies of most obligations
to lease advanced fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) network facilities to competitors at
a regulated, cost-based price. Specifically, incumbents are relieved from unbundling
requirements for fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) loops, where fiber is extended within
500 feet of a customers premises. The new rules free companies to choose
between FTTH or FTTC networks based on marketplace characteristics, rather than
disparate regulatory treatment.
FCC also clarified that incumbent LECs are not obligated to build time division
multiplexing (TDM) capability into new packet-based networks or into existing
packet-based networks that never had TDM capability.
Chairman Michael Powell said "By limiting the unbundling obligations of incumbents
when they roll out deep fiber networks to residential consumers, we restore the
marketplace incentives of carriers to invest in new networks. "
a dissenting statement, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps wrote "Though todays
Order speaks in glowing terms about broadband relief, the reality is far less
radiant. I dont believe competitive telecommunications have been faring
very well under our watch and this particular proceeding strikes me as yet another
in a series of prescriptions this Commission is willing to write to end competitive
access to last mile facilities. It seems every month brings a new onslaught..
The loop represents the prized last mile of communications. Putting it beyond
the reach of competitors can only entrench incumbents who already hold sway. Monopoly
control of the last mile created all kinds of problems for basic telephone service
in the last century, and now we seem bent on replicating that sad story for advanced
services in the digital age."
* In its Triennial Review Order released last year, the FCC ruled that the broadband
capabilities of fiber loops that extend to a customers premises, also known
as FTTH loops, would not be subject to unbundling under section 251 of the Act.
* In August 2004, the FCC issued an order clarifying fiber-to-the-home (FTTH)
rules and relieving the incumbent LECs from certain unbundling obligations that
apply to multiple dwelling units (MDUs), or apartment buildings. The FCC said
its ruling increases the incentives for incumbent LECs to deploy next generation
facilities. The order concludes that determining what constitutes a predominantly
residential MDU will be based on the dwellings predominant use. For example,
a multi-level apartment building that houses retail stores such as a drycleaner
or a mini-mart would be predominantly residential, while an office building that
contains a floor of residential suites would not. The Order further clarifies
that a loop will be considered a FTTH loop if it is deployed to the minimum point
of entry of a predominantly residential MDU, regardless of the ownership of the
inside wiring.