Raisecom- Remote Gateway- Ethernet over Fiber- Ethernet over PDH- Ethernet over SDH- Ethernet over Copper
Raisecom provides a complete family of Fast Ethernet over 1 E1 interface converters, and Fast Ethernet over 4/8 E1 inverse multiplexers for accessing Ethernet services of 2Mbps~16Mbps. Both standalone version and modular version (working in RC001/002 series chassis) are available. Customers also have options of using electrical or optical Fast Ethernet port to fit in their local network environment.
We use these interface converters and inverse multiplexers point-to-point or deploy them opposite to central aggregation gateways. All point-to-point and point-to-multipoint applications formed by Raisecom EoPDH family members are under the network management of Raisecom NView NNM system.