American Tech Supply now offers Snake Tray cable tray and raceway systems which is the world's only hand bendable cable management system that bends in any direction in seconds without cutting, clipping or sharp edges
American Tech Supply now offers Snake Tray cable tray and raceway systems which is the world's only hand bendable cable management system that bends in any direction in seconds without cutting, clipping or sharp edges. American Tech Supply also carries the entire line of Snake Tray-Raceway Systems- Cable Management- Underfloor Raceway- Overhead Raceways- Cable Tray-CableTray and Raceways. Generic wire basket cable tray systems will take up to 20 minutes to fabricate the same turn. Check out our underfloor, overhead and wall Snake Trays for your next project! You can click here for your own Snake Tray Raceway Design Wizard or get more information below.
Snake Canyon Turning Component is used as an intersection to create a 90° sweep or T in order to maintain the proper bend radius for the cable. Also can be used to create parallel pathways. Turning components are available in 2″, 4″, 6″, 8″ and 12″ depths providing up to 184 square inches of cable path for up to 3000 data cables.