MRV Products
LambdaDriver Passive
The LDP300, all-optics CWDM/DWDM series is a 3-slot
chassis providing a simple, yet extremely flexible and efficient way, to deploy
data and storage services. The combination of colored Ethernet/Fibre Channel and
CWDM/DWDM technologies allows for the design of a highly available multi-service
network. It extends existing fiber-based infrastructure transparently over a
broadband network and optimizes the use of fiber investment. The LDP300 is an
inovative &"pay-as-you-grow" modular solution for all-optics
All-optics technology is paving the way for optical
transmission by minimizing the need for electric power and additional expensive
Optical-Electrical-Optical (O-E-O) conversions. |
MRV Products
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Out-of-Band Console & Power Management
Wave Division Multiplexing
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